Thank you Rick for sharing this insightful information about Sandhill Cranes and how they protect their eggs and young while nesting. They are truly magnificent birds and we enjoy watching their Spring and Fall migrations at Goose Pond and the Jasper Pulaski Wildlife Refuge here in Indiana.

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Hi Gregory. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece on Sandhill Cranes. I understand that 10,000 or so sandhills can stop at Jasper Pulaski during their migration. That must be something to see and hear.

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This was interesting to read and I liked your pictures. I'd love to see a bird that is 4 feet tall with a wingspan of 6 feet. Wow!😯

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I'm glad you enjoyed it, Faith. These are really neat birds to see and can be intimidating when they are near you and don't want you around.

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How interesting! What a tough life it is out there. I love it that Dad also sits on the eggs! Thank you.

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Yes, Patricia, I liked how involved the father was in both sitting and guarding. And that they mate for life.

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