Early one July I had the chance to watch and photograph bison calves and their mothers as they crossed Yellowstone’s Lamar River, still swollen with snowmelt. I hope you enjoy this photo essay that captures some challenging and touching moments with these majestic creatures—our national mammal.
At this time calves are only two to three months old and still reddish brown. Their fur has not yet turned to the dark brown of adults. While calves can walk within hours of birth, crossing a river is different than following mom along a sagebrush-covered valley floor.
The Lamar River meanders and creates many crossings in the Lamar Valley. And though the river is narrow, it moves fast and is deep in spots—especially for calves.
While 1000-pound adult females handle the strong current well, lighter calves must work harder to stay near mom. See the raised tail of the mother bison? A bison’s tail can help you gauge the animal’s emotional state. That raised tail says this mom is agitated. Since the mom has surely crossed rivers before, I assume she’s nervous because she sees her calf struggling with the current.
I watched a number of calves tackle the river and reach the other side. This calf did so with a reassuring look from mom that I found touching. This mom’s tail reveals no anxiety. Also, notice how her thick winter fur is shedding as summer heats up.
But one particular calf was just not ready to cross. It sought the reassurance of nursing before stepping from the safety of the gravel bank.
Mom let her calf feed until she decided it was time to follow the herd. Then she pulled away from her calf and started crossing. The calf, still unsure, stayed on the bank, sometimes approaching the river, sometimes backing away.
Finally the hesitant calf—the one just barely keeping its head above water—followed another calf that had simply walked right into the river.
Reunited, safe, and a bit more skilled in bison ways, the hesitant calf—and its mom—moved on.
I write, speak, and photograph to protect wildlife and preserve wild lands. My bestselling In the Temple of Wolves; its sequel, Deep into Yellowstone; and its prequel, The Wilds of Aging are available signed. My books are also available on Amazon unsigned or as eBook or audiobook.
Photo Credits: All Photos by Rick Lamplugh
Baby bisons' first water crossing test... Amazing (and alittle scary also)!
Bison s as maze me. Do little when born and huge beasts when grown